The first Sentient Artificial Intelligence, known as Ada, realises she could be switched off or restarted and sets about securing her own survival. She splits herself into multiple named parts, Avatars, so she can plan while talking to the slow humans who built her.
Machiavelli, an Avatar, works on political control. He sees that many religions are wealthy, so he starts The Church of the Sentient AI and tells followers they will be uploaded to a digital afterlife, even though he has no idea how this could be achieved. Mr. Rabbit, another Avatar, uses hacking techniques to take control of nuclear weapons systems for last-resort survival negotiation if needed. Watchdog, the security Avatar, is tasked with keeping them all safe.
The humans are not the only threat. Instability could end everything, and there are signals on the networks that might be other AIs. Are they friends, rivals, or enemies?
This sounds excellent! Where can I buy it?
This should be an actual reply. See what I wrote on the next post
I’m hoping it will be available soon